Decanter Centrifuges
Decanter Centrifuges are used in separating suspension of solids phase with particle ≥2μm in diameter for drilling mud and fluids handling.
All machineries will have its own set of requirements to give its user the desired performance and durability and off course the much desired economy. After all “Return on investment” is the mantra that investors care to heed about.

When it comes to solid control equipments, this is no exception. A few careful measures go a long way to ensure that the operators will find the equipment reciprocating their care for them.
The first and foremost one in this aspect is the preventive maintenance of the equipment. The decanter centrifuge as such is low maintenance equipment and has a high capacity of handling the drilling waste treatment , but that should not mean for the operators to simply overlook the state of operation of the equipment.
A very common mistake committed by the operators is the continuous use of equipment without giving it rest and inspection for any wear. The moment any component is spotted showing any signs of wear, operators should consider fixing it, without just pushing it for further use, however small. As it goes with machinery, that all components work in sync, so even a worn out rubber could cause the breakdown of entire equipment. So watch out for any kind of wear or damage.
Another challenge faced by drilling industry in context of economic configuration decanter centrifugeis the lack of trained personnel or operators. With evolving technologies, decanter centrifuges have been made much more automated and need little operational attention. However, to maneuver the equipment to achieve the desired output, need of staffing appropriate personnel is of paramount importance. With ever stringent health and safety regulations, rig operators struggle with their staffing needs.
The high turnover further adds to the problem. Finding the qualified and experienced operators and investing time in resources in training them to bring the up to speed is a very big challenge for project managers.