Decanter Centrifuge Defined Meaning

Decanter Centrifuge

Introduction: Modern gas and oil drilling sites are just a rigid manifestation of multi layered complex mechanism. Several gigantic equipments are set and operated in a single oil or gas drilling sites. The mechanisms of these equipments are very complex and very subtle. A very common equipment that is seen in an oil and gas drilling site is a decanter centrifuge.

A decanter centrifuge is a very useful equipment for any drilling site. Here in this article, we will try to provide a brief description about what a  really it is.

decanter centrifuge
decanter centrifuge

A brief description of a decanter centrifuges: A decanter centrifuge is a device that can create a very fast rotation that is basically used to dilute the fluid that is extracted from the gas or oil mine. Generally, the liquid that is extracted from a mine is of highly concentrated and coagulated. So, extracting minerals from them is practically impossible. In order to thin up the extracted fluids, a decanter centrifuge is used. By using the rotational speed of a decanter centrifuge, the highly concentrated are turned into minerals extractable thin liquid.

There are three basic designs of decanter centrifuges:

The first one is vertically oriented decanter centrifuges.
The second one is horizontally oriented decanter centrifuges.
The third one is conveyor or scroll decanter centrifuges.

In the vertically oriented decanter centrifuges, the fluids or solids are gathered vertically. Vertical decanter centrifuges are very effective for high temperature and high pressure work. A horizontally oriented decanter centrifuges gathers the fluids or solids generated from high rotation in horizontal orientation. A horizontally oriented decanter is very effective for high pressure works as it provides a strong organization due to its horizontal orientation. Lastly, a conveyor or scroll centrifuge is basically a rotating machine inside a bowl.

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Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge Operation and Maintenance

Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge

A machine running on a centrifugal force to separate different parts is called a centrifuge. Dehydrator Centrifuge is a common device that is usually found on oil or gas drilling sites.

Dewatering machine Centrifuge for oil and gas drilling machine, basically used to dilute the underground liquid and liquid. The main task of the settling centrifuge is to rotate the drilling fluid, thereby destroying the concentration of these fluids. The overall job function of anything is very complicated.

Centrifugal force is the body in the high-speed rotation by the power. They are commonly used to separate components of different densities, such as water and solids. Decanter centrifuge is a special type of centrifuge that separates

Horizontal decanter centrifuge
Horizontal decanter centrifuge

solid components from liquids such as drilling waste.

It plays an important role in waste water treatment, chemical industry and food processing. The performance of the settling centrifuge depends on several different factors.
Most of the drilling and handling equipment handling components of the mixture. It is necessary to separate them separately for further processing.

Three types of decanter centrifuges are used in the industry: horizontal, vertical and conveyor. It is basically a high-speed rotating bowl that separates the solid from the liquid matrix. In the case of a drilling industry, inputs are drilling waste.

Centrifuges are easy to install and require less maintenance. Even if skilled operators need to operate them, decanter centrifuges help save a lot of money and improve the overall efficiency of the industry.

Centrifuge provides more flexibility and better feedback mechanisms. This allows the operator to allow the machine to work under different settings to separate the different components. The space required to set up the machine is very small, easy to start or close, allowing multiple units to work at once.

Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge of Kosun with more than 20 years experience in solid control and deserve well recognized by clients all over the world.


Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge Operation and Maintenance

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Economic configuration decanter centrifuge  is the final phase equipment for the drilling solid control system. Keeping the equipment up and running all the time without any downtime will go a long way in determining the overall operational performance of the drilling project.

While it is important to make sure the equipment is kept in good condition and well maintained, making sure that it is being operated in right manner is equally important. A qualified and well trained operator will know the intricacies of operating the equipment and even know to spot the signs to raise the alarm.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge
Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Decanter centrifuge is high cost equipment. It is imperative that it is maintained well, after all the economy of overall project will largely depend on such wise measures only.
Here we are outlining a few tips with respect to operation and maintenance of decanter centrifuges :
1. Preparing for start-up: Before starting the centrifuge check all electric control system and related components. Test the rotating belt manually for any glitch. Inspect the overall panel for any alarming signs.
2. Start the equipment: Most of the modern horizontal decanter centrifuge comes with touch panel now that have fairly user friendly command buttons. Using the touch panel, release relevant commands to bring the equipment to start.
3. Preventive procedure: Once you are done setting up the system, do not directly start feeding the system, let it run for 5 minutes, add water to clean the stuck or dried material.
4. Shutting down the equipment: Do not cut off the power all at once and bring the machine to a halt. Gradually slow down the feed and let the machine process the remaining material till it lasts. Repeat the washing and cleaning procedure.

Make sure that no manual handling is done while machine is operational as it may be very risky.

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge Advantage and Disadvantage

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge is a device used in separating suspension of solids for drilling purpose. It has been designed for Oilfields and Industrial purposes that are seeking an environment friendly solution. Its speed ranges from 0n to 3900 RPM, generating centrifugal forces reach up to 3000G.

drilling decanter centrifuge
drilling decanter centrifuge

The main advantages of Drilling Decanter Centrifuge are;
1- It has a continuous dewatering in an enclosed unit, which reduces factory nuisances and cost of deodorizing premises.
2- The machines are cleaned automatically.
3- All mechanical safety mechanisms constitute part of the standard main equipment.
4- It is highly suitable for all sludge types, even the most difficult ones.
5- It is highly automatic and self-dependent machine with easy maintenance.
6- It has a very wide application range. The decanter centrifuge can conduct an effective separation as good as filtering centrifuge and can finish the separation despite failed filtering centrifuge.
7-Drilling Decanter Centrifuge can also be used for liquid clarification. It helps separation of lighter solids from heavier liquids.
8-It is usable in both high and low temperatures.
9-   It has a Great Adaptability. It is capable of producing force even greater than the gravity, precisely 14,000 times greater than the gravity.
10- It grades the particles based on the size.
The disadvantages of drilling decanter centrifuges are;
1- It is an expensive and time-consuming process.
2- It has a complex structure, which is not easy to operate by a nonprofessional.
3- Sediment washing has not been very effective through this device.
4- Foaming of liquids may occur occasionally.
5- It is mechanically complex and tedious process.
6- The downtime for cleaning lowers the efficiency of Decanters.
7-Sometimes, the solids can build up inside the Decanters and cause a lower efficiency.
8- The Prescreening may be necessary to weed out particles too large to fit through the nozzles.

Decanter Centrifuge manufacturers – Kosun  with more than 20 years experience in solid control system. Welcome to contact us.

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge Meaning Introduction

Drilling Decanter Centrifuge

Drilling decanter centrifuge is equipment used to separate solids and fluid from a mixture using centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is a force, arising from the body’s inertia.

Drilling Decanter centrifuge technique replaces the conventional method of settling down the solids in the process of water treatment and likes. The technique makes the process faster and improves the quality of the output at the same time.

drilling decanter centrifuge
drilling decanter centrifuge

If understood in the context of drilling industry, the solid control system to treat the drilling waste , decanter centrifuge is applied.

The drilling waste largely consists of drill cuttings and drilling fluids that are commonly called as drilling mud. Drilling cuttings are nothing but the rock shavings acquired during the borehole drilling process and the drilling mud is a mixture of chemicals that aids the drilling process by keeping the drilling bit cool and lubricated during the process of drilling.

Other than petrochemical industry the Decanter centrifuge has its application in number of other industries as well, e.g. food processing,  waste water treatment, fish processing, chemical, mineral processing, organic chemicals, polymer and inorganic chemical industry to name a few.

Due to its wide popularity across different industries, a decanter centrifuge is available in various types and variety of designs.  A few notable ones being – vertical orientation, horizontal orientation and conveyer or scroll type. Operators will be using their discretion to choose the appropriate type and design as per the application need, as that remains customizable.

The performance of same design and type of decanter centrifuge may also differ in two industries, as the performance will largely depend upon number of external factors, chief among them will be the type of the waste material they will be treating with. As the guiding principle of a centrifuge is the separation of fluid by buoyancy of the material it works on to separate.

Decanter Centrifuges of Related Common Challenges

Decanter Centrifuges

Decanter Centrifuges are used in separating suspension of solids phase with particle ≥2μm in diameter for drilling mud and fluids handling.

All machineries will have its own set of requirements to give its user the desired performance and durability and off course the much desired economy. After all “Return on investment” is the mantra that investors care to heed about.

Decanter Centrifuges
Decanter Centrifuges

When it comes to solid control equipments, this is no exception. A few careful measures go a long way to ensure that the operators will find the equipment reciprocating their care for them.
The first and foremost one in this aspect is the preventive maintenance of the equipment. The decanter centrifuge as such is low maintenance equipment and has a high capacity of handling the drilling waste treatment , but that should not mean for the operators to simply overlook the state of operation of the equipment.

A very common mistake committed by the operators is the continuous use of equipment without giving it rest and inspection for any wear. The moment any component is spotted showing any signs of wear, operators should consider fixing it, without just pushing it for further use, however small. As it goes with machinery, that all components work in sync, so even a worn out rubber could cause the breakdown of entire equipment. So watch out for any kind of wear or damage.

Another challenge faced by drilling industry in context of economic configuration decanter centrifugeis the lack of trained personnel or operators. With evolving technologies, decanter centrifuges have been made much more automated and need little operational attention. However, to maneuver the equipment to achieve the desired output, need of staffing appropriate personnel is of paramount importance.  With ever stringent health and safety regulations, rig operators struggle with their staffing needs.

The high turnover further adds to the problem. Finding the qualified and experienced operators and investing time in resources in training them to bring the up to speed is a very big challenge for project managers.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge Advantage and Disadvantage

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge is the last phase equipment in solid control system of any industry. It is widely popular industrial equipment. It is used to separate a mixture of solids and fluid of different densities in an efficient manner.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge
Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge has its set of advantages and disadvantages as well. Let us first look at them:
1.    The first and foremost advantage of a decanter centrifuge is that it is highly customizable based on the need of the end user. The dimensions of components and the angle at which they will be fitted, all could be customized.
2.    Decanter centrifuge is aesthetically superior and is designed in a way to have little or no odor problems.
3.    This equipment is easy to install and operate, and does not require huge area to be installed like other competitive technical equipments.
4.    Though sleeker in size, the equipment performs at an optimum capacity than it appears to have. That ensures lesser units need to be deployed and enhances the economy of operations.
5.    The equipment is not only easy to operate but also a lot easier to optimize to meet the desired result.
6.    Horizontal decanter centrifuge greatly reduces the labor costs as it does not demand much maintenance and largely automated so reduces the number of manual operators.
7.    In comparison to traditional methods and even other competitive technique, decanter centrifuge performance is very good.
1.    A decanter centrifuge is not as effective in filtering biological solids at micro level, such as cells and viruses.
2.    The equipment generates high vibration and very noisy when in operation
3.    It consumes high energy as it used very high g-force.
4.    The overall capital cost for decanter centrifuge is on a higher side. The individual price for the equipment, plus preparing the site with hard surfacing and abrasion prevention, to reduce the wear cost for the equipment.

Decanter Centrifuges Suppliers – Kosun Manufacturer

Decanter Centrifuges

Decanter centrifuges can perform well for a longer period if timely operation and maintenance of the device is carried out. The decanter centrifuge is a vital machine utilized in major industries like the oil, food, waste-water treatment and chemical industry. Hence the engineer has to have a good knowledge about the handling and maintenance of the machine.

decanter centrifuges,decanter centrifuges suppliers
decanter centrifuges,decanter centrifuges suppliers

Decanter centrifuges operation are as follows:
•    Prior to starting the machine the safety protective guards should be installed. When the machine is running, don’t open the guards.
•    Don’t touch the rotating parts or moving parts when the decanter centrifuge is in operation.
•    Stopping the machine during its operation is also forbidden.
•    Only in case of any unusual noise or vibration, the decanter centrifuges should be stopped and troubleshoot.
•    The rotating speed of the decanter centrifuge is mentioned in the instructions. Running the same more than the given active speed is forbidden.
•    The device should be plugged or unplugged only when the power is cut-off.

The maintenance of the decanter centrifuges are as follows:
•    For maintaining the decanter centrifuge for a long time the machine should not be stopped or adjusted when the power is on and the bowl is still rotating. It should be done only on stopping of it completely.
•    To open the cover of the collecting box, it should be opened suitably so that the cover should not close suddenly which can injure the operator.
•    The decanter centrifuges operators are required to read user manual and other related data, should have working knowledge and the requirement of operations of the machine. The operator should adhere strictly to the handling instruction of the machine.
•    Maintenance as the schedules can decreases the downtime thereby increases the production capacity.

Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers

Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers – Kosun manufacture with more than 20 years experience with API, IADC, ISO and CE certificated in solid control system.

Decanter Centrifuges are produced and supplided by decanter centrifuge manufacturers .

Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers – as the leading enterprise of solid drilling waste management and drilling waste management industry in China, Kosun is highly appraised by local customers with high quality products and excellent service. Kosun will continue to provide customers with better goods and services.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge of Kosun Solid Control System

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge is a device that utilizes a very high rotational speed through which components of different densities are separated. It is very important device for industries that require separating mixtures of solid, liquid and gas into a single mixture.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge are used to continuously separate solids and liquids where the density of the solid is very high. The decanter centrifuge’s continuous rotation helps to separate the components into slurry and drilling waste water treatment, edible oil, etc.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge
Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

The standard of working of a decanter centrifuge is based on gravitational force. The component with higher density settles at the base and the lighter density component suspends above.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge is used in different industries like the oil, food processing and chemical. It is an important device in all the industries. The decanter centrifuge are used to separate mixtures of liquid, solid-liquid, dewatering and in extracting of various components.

The different types of decanter centrifuge are vertical decanter centrifuge, horizontal decanter centrifuge, conveyor centrifuge. The principle on which the decanter centrifuge is based is the gravitational separation. Example: When a glass is filled with muddy water after sometime the mud will settle down at the base due to the gravity. One can see a clear separation between the mud and water.

In the principle of a decanter centrifuge the mixture is put in the centrifuge through a pipe and on a conveyor. The conveyor sends the muddy mixture into a bowl tube. This bowl tube then rotates at a very high speed to form gravitational force. The high rotation speed then isolates the solid from the liquid within few seconds. The solid material then moves upwards and is released through the nozzle. When the solid material is taken out, the distilled liquid is also discharged through a separate outlet.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge by Kosun

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

Economic configuration decanter centrifuge can perform well for a longer period if timely operation and maintenance of the device is carried out.

Economic configuration decanter centrifuge is a vital machine utilized in major industries like the oil, food, waste-water treatment and chemical industry. Hence the engineer has to have a good knowledge about the handling and maintenance of the machine.

Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge
Economic Configuration Decanter Centrifuge

The operation of the Economic Configuration decanter centrifuge is as follows:
•    Prior to starting the machine the safety protective guards should be installed. When the machine is running, don’t open the guards.
•    Don’t touch the rotating parts or moving parts when the decanter centrifuge is in operation.
•    Stopping the machine during its operation is also forbidden.
•    Only in case of any unusual noise or vibration, the decanter centrifuge should be stopped and troubleshoot.
•    The rotating speed of the decanter centrifuge is mentioned in the instructions. Running the same more than the given active speed is forbidden.
•    The device should be plugged or unplugged only when the power is cut-off.

The maintenance of the decanter centrifuge is as follows:
•    For maintaining the decanter centrifuge for a long time the machine should not be stopped or adjusted when the power is on and the bowl is still rotating. It should be done only on stopping of it completely.

•    To open the cover of the collecting box, it should be opened suitably so that the cover should not close suddenly which can injure the operator.
•    The decanter centrifuge operators are required to read user manual and other related data, should have working knowledge and the requirement of operations of the machine. The operator should adhere strictly to the handling instruction of the machine.
•    Maintenance as the schedules can decreases the downtime thereby increases the production capacity.