Decanter Centrifuge
Introduction: Modern gas and oil drilling sites are just a rigid manifestation of multi layered complex mechanism. Several gigantic equipments are set and operated in a single oil or gas drilling sites. The mechanisms of these equipments are very complex and very subtle. A very common equipment that is seen in an oil and gas drilling site is a decanter centrifuge.
A decanter centrifuge is a very useful equipment for any drilling site. Here in this article, we will try to provide a brief description about what a really it is.

A brief description of a decanter centrifuges: A decanter centrifuge is a device that can create a very fast rotation that is basically used to dilute the fluid that is extracted from the gas or oil mine. Generally, the liquid that is extracted from a mine is of highly concentrated and coagulated. So, extracting minerals from them is practically impossible. In order to thin up the extracted fluids, a decanter centrifuge is used. By using the rotational speed of a decanter centrifuge, the highly concentrated are turned into minerals extractable thin liquid.
There are three basic designs of decanter centrifuges:
The first one is vertically oriented decanter centrifuges.
The second one is horizontally oriented decanter centrifuges.
The third one is conveyor or scroll decanter centrifuges.
In the vertically oriented decanter centrifuges, the fluids or solids are gathered vertically. Vertical decanter centrifuges are very effective for high temperature and high pressure work. A horizontally oriented decanter centrifuges gathers the fluids or solids generated from high rotation in horizontal orientation. A horizontally oriented decanter is very effective for high pressure works as it provides a strong organization due to its horizontal orientation. Lastly, a conveyor or scroll centrifuge is basically a rotating machine inside a bowl.
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