Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge is a device used in separating suspension of solids for drilling purpose. It has been designed for Oilfields and Industrial purposes that are seeking an environment friendly solution. Its speed ranges from 0n to 3900 RPM, generating centrifugal forces reach up to 3000G.

The main advantages of Drilling Decanter Centrifuge are;
1- It has a continuous dewatering in an enclosed unit, which reduces factory nuisances and cost of deodorizing premises.
2- The machines are cleaned automatically.
3- All mechanical safety mechanisms constitute part of the standard main equipment.
4- It is highly suitable for all sludge types, even the most difficult ones.
5- It is highly automatic and self-dependent machine with easy maintenance.
6- It has a very wide application range. The decanter centrifuge can conduct an effective separation as good as filtering centrifuge and can finish the separation despite failed filtering centrifuge.
7-Drilling Decanter Centrifuge can also be used for liquid clarification. It helps separation of lighter solids from heavier liquids.
8-It is usable in both high and low temperatures.
9- It has a Great Adaptability. It is capable of producing force even greater than the gravity, precisely 14,000 times greater than the gravity.
10- It grades the particles based on the size.
The disadvantages of drilling decanter centrifuges are;
1- It is an expensive and time-consuming process.
2- It has a complex structure, which is not easy to operate by a nonprofessional.
3- Sediment washing has not been very effective through this device.
4- Foaming of liquids may occur occasionally.
5- It is mechanically complex and tedious process.
6- The downtime for cleaning lowers the efficiency of Decanters.
7-Sometimes, the solids can build up inside the Decanters and cause a lower efficiency.
8- The Prescreening may be necessary to weed out particles too large to fit through the nozzles.
Decanter Centrifuge manufacturers – Kosun with more than 20 years experience in solid control system. Welcome to contact us.