Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
Drilling decanter centrifuge is equipment used to separate solids and fluid from a mixture using centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is a force, arising from the body’s inertia.
Drilling Decanter centrifuge technique replaces the conventional method of settling down the solids in the process of water treatment and likes. The technique makes the process faster and improves the quality of the output at the same time.

If understood in the context of drilling industry, the solid control system to treat the drilling waste , decanter centrifuge is applied.
The drilling waste largely consists of drill cuttings and drilling fluids that are commonly called as drilling mud. Drilling cuttings are nothing but the rock shavings acquired during the borehole drilling process and the drilling mud is a mixture of chemicals that aids the drilling process by keeping the drilling bit cool and lubricated during the process of drilling.
Other than petrochemical industry the Decanter centrifuge has its application in number of other industries as well, e.g. food processing, waste water treatment, fish processing, chemical, mineral processing, organic chemicals, polymer and inorganic chemical industry to name a few.
Due to its wide popularity across different industries, a decanter centrifuge is available in various types and variety of designs. A few notable ones being – vertical orientation, horizontal orientation and conveyer or scroll type. Operators will be using their discretion to choose the appropriate type and design as per the application need, as that remains customizable.
The performance of same design and type of decanter centrifuge may also differ in two industries, as the performance will largely depend upon number of external factors, chief among them will be the type of the waste material they will be treating with. As the guiding principle of a centrifuge is the separation of fluid by buoyancy of the material it works on to separate.