Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge
A machine running on a centrifugal force to separate different parts is called a centrifuge. Dehydrator Centrifuge is a common device that is usually found on oil or gas drilling sites.
Dewatering machine Centrifuge for oil and gas drilling machine, basically used to dilute the underground liquid and liquid. The main task of the settling centrifuge is to rotate the drilling fluid, thereby destroying the concentration of these fluids. The overall job function of anything is very complicated.
Centrifugal force is the body in the high-speed rotation by the power. They are commonly used to separate components of different densities, such as water and solids. Decanter centrifuge is a special type of centrifuge that separates

solid components from liquids such as drilling waste.
It plays an important role in waste water treatment, chemical industry and food processing. The performance of the settling centrifuge depends on several different factors.
Most of the drilling and handling equipment handling components of the mixture. It is necessary to separate them separately for further processing.
Three types of decanter centrifuges are used in the industry: horizontal, vertical and conveyor. It is basically a high-speed rotating bowl that separates the solid from the liquid matrix. In the case of a drilling industry, inputs are drilling waste.
Centrifuges are easy to install and require less maintenance. Even if skilled operators need to operate them, decanter centrifuges help save a lot of money and improve the overall efficiency of the industry.
Centrifuge provides more flexibility and better feedback mechanisms. This allows the operator to allow the machine to work under different settings to separate the different components. The space required to set up the machine is very small, easy to start or close, allowing multiple units to work at once.
Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge of Kosun with more than 20 years experience in solid control and deserve well recognized by clients all over the world.