Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge of drilling waste is the waste matter generated as a result of the very process of extraction of oil and gas from the earth, popularly known as drilling. This is an extensive and trillion dollar industry with a corresponding and gigantic waste production issue on a global scale. That is why; a new drilling waste management system called drilling waste management was introduced.

It consists of a series of processes from collection, management and containment of waste to subsequent treatment and disposal. Over the years, many techniques and methods were introduced for an efficient management of drilling waste. Also quite recently we saw more advancement and mechanization being brought into the whole process.
As a result of this, now we have instruments like decanter centrifuge to aid to the separation and handling of drilling waste. So let’s understand more about them and their mode of operation.
As the name suggest, the equipment uses decanter centrifuge forces to aid to the separation of desired and waste matters taking advantage of their differences in densities and other properties.
The mixed substance obtained from extraction is made to enter a disc or cone shaped structure that is rotated at a suitable speed. Because of the difference in natures of the unwanted and desired quantities, they are separated by combined effect of centrifugal and gravitational forces.
The fuel which is separated drops through the hole at the centre of the structure and the waste remaining in it is properly contained. For better gathering or collection of these waste matters, the walls of the discs are generally made with interspaces or slot like cavities.
The drilling waste progresses towards the walls of the disc and moves into a containment tank through the interspaces provided. As the machine consists of several moving parts, all components are to be kept smooth and clean to ensure optimum efficiency.