Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge separates the solid material mixed with some liquids that contaminates the water and converts the mud into sludge. It is an important component utilized in petrochemical, food processing and oil industries. These industries will not be able to function in the absence of Centrifuge. The centrifugal force is created by the decanter centrifuge and creates the centrifugal force by rotation.
Operational & Functional Principles of decanter centrifuge:
• The principle of decanter centrifuge is based on the theory of gravitational separation. A component with high density settles at the bottom and the component with lesser density suspends upwards.

The decanter centrifuges increases the rate at which the component settles increases due to the use of continuous rotation. This force is from 1000 to 4000 times than the normal gravitational force. This method of separation gives fast results.
Example: When a glass is filled with mud and water, after few minutes the mud will settle at the base of the glass due to its weight. Since the mud is settled at the base become solid, the water comes upward that creates a separation between the mud and water mixture.
This method of separation by rotation can be compared to that of rides of amusement parks. In the same way the decanter centrifuges basically a bowl tube rotates at a very high speed. The bowl tube has an internal conveyor that moves at different velocity but in the same direction.
The decanter centrifuge is ideal equipment for treating waste water. There are various industries where these types of machines are vital.
The 2-phase separation method is used for Waste water treatment, sludge de-watering, and also food processing.
The 3-phase separation process separates two liquids like water and oil, which have different densities and cannot be mixed together, are separated. This 3-phase separation produces edible oil, bio-diesel and oil sludge.