Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
Drilling Decanter centrifuge equipment is used to serve the purpose. The equipment uses the centrifugal force to separate different materials for treatment.
Wherever there is a need to separate materials of different densities is involved, There are many types of centrifuges, decanter centrifuges , vertical centrifuge etc.
Now building on this definition, we can imagine the vast application of such equipment in a variety of industrial scenarios, where different materials need to be separated. Let us pick oilfield drilling industry for an instance, where large volume of drilling waste is produced by the drilling process.

Not only the waste is harmful to the environment, if disposed directly without treatment, but it also contains large quantity of drilling fluid that needs to be extracted and restored. To accomplish this challenging task of separating the fluid, decanter centrifuges are deployed in drilling operations.
The working of a centrifuge could be understood as – If laid down in plain words – it uses the express rotation to separate different types of materials. In a more technical expression, a centrifuge is the equipment that uses the centrifugal force to separate substance based on their density using the principle of sedimentation.
Imagine a jar full of milk cream, when churned at good speed, it separates the cream into butter and skimmed milk. We know that different materials have different density, and the centrifugal force makes them move against the axis of the pit in which they are stored with the help of rapid rotations using mechanical force. Naturally the material with lowest density will make it way upward and the one with highest density will get settled at the bottom of the pit.
The decanter centrifuge equipment is used in a variety of machines that need to filter the mixture of solids and fluids. It finds it application in number of industries ranging from food processing industry to oil and natural gas industry.