Kosun solids control provides a detailed list of decanter centrifuge manufacturers and suppliers. Find decanter centrifuge companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture decanter centrifuges to your specifications. Peruse our website to review and discover top decanter centrifuge manufacturers with roll over ads and complete product descriptions. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of decanter centrifuge designs, industrial decanter centrifuges, or motor decanter centrifuges of every type, Kosun Premier source for you.
-Er iezErie, PA800–345–4946
View Company Profile: centrifuge technology comes with superior components that allow for ultimate operation. All of the products dhere to extensive testing to ensure their functionality and durability.
-SwecoFlorence, KY800–807–9326
View Company Profile:With over sixty years of experience, Sweco has established itself as leader in the manufacture of quality centrifuges, laboratory centrifuges, centrifugal separators, and more. When you work with Sweco expect quality products, innovative solutions, and experience. Call today!
-osedale Products, Inc.Ann Arbor, MI734–665–8201
View Company Profile:osedale Products specializes in centrifuge equipment, centrifugal separators and centrifugal separation systems. For over 25 years, Rosedale Products has had a reputation for producing high-quality centrifuges and the goal of offering solutions to meet the increasing demands of the industry.
-AKOSFresno, CA800–344–7205
View Company Profile:AKOS is a manufacturer of centrifugal action separators for solids-from-liquids filtration. Cooking oil filtration, sand- and silt-free water through filtration are some of the applications for which our centrifugal action separators are used. We are a division of Claude Laval Corporation.
View Company Profile: Kosun is a manufacturer for drilling waste management equipments, solids control equipments and oil sludge treatment system in China. Kosun manufacture the top technology of decanter centrifuge, Hi G dryer shaker, and vertical cuttings dryer.
Kosun- Solid Control Company
Top 5 Decanter Centrifuge Manufacturers
Kosun solids control provides a detailed list of decanter centrifuge manufacturers. Find decanter centrifuge companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture decanter centrifuges to your specifications. Peruse our website to review and discover top decanter centrifuge manufacturers with roll over ads and complete product descriptions. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of decanter centrifuge designs, industrial decanter centrifuges, or motor decanter centrifuges of every type, Kosun Premier source for you.
View Company Profile: Kosun is a manufacturer for drilling waste management equipments, solids control equipments and oil sludge treatment system in China. Kosun manufacture the top technology of decanter centrifuge, Hi G dryer shaker, and vertical cuttings dryer.
-SwecoFlorence, KY800-807-9326
View Company Profile:With over sixty years of experience, Sweco has established itself as leader in the manufacture of quality centrifuges, laboratory centrifuges, centrifugal separators, and more. When you work with Sweco expect quality products, innovative solutions, and experience. Call today!
-Er iezErie, PA800-345-4946
View Company Profile: centrifuge technology comes with superior components that allow for ultimate operation. All of the products dhere to extensive testing to ensure their functionality and durability.
-osedale Products, Inc.Ann Arbor, MI734-665-8201
View Company Profile:osedale Products specializes in centrifuge equipment, centrifugal separators and centrifugal separation systems. For over 25 years, Rosedale Products has had a reputation for producing high-quality centrifuges and the goal of offering solutions to meet the increasing demands of the industry.
-AKOSFresno, CA800-344-7205
View Company Profile:AKOS is a manufacturer of centrifugal action separators for solids-from-liquids filtration. Cooking oil filtration, sand- and silt-free water through filtration are some of the applications for which our centrifugal action separators are used. We are a division of Claude Laval Corporation. (Editor:Kosun Lily.Wang)
Kosun- Solid Control System Company
Tel.: +86 29 87304914/86-13891934239
Contact person: Lily Wang
Company Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7mtwj1ktGg
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Solids Control Equipment Decanter Centrifuge for sale by KOSUN
KOSUN LW series decanter centrifuge is used in separating suspension of solid phase with particle diameter d≥2μm for drilling mud and fluids handling. Ruggedly built for oilfield and industrial services, it is especially effective in environmentally sensitive areas. It delivers high fluid-recovery rates and efficient solids control to significantly reduce the costs of makeup fluids and disposal. The decanter centrifuge is precision –balanced for smooth operation over long periods at speeds of 0 to 3900 RPM, generating centrifugal forces up to 3000G’s.
Decanter centrifuge for sale by KOSUN
Decanter centrifuge for sale by KOSUN consists of a cylindrical rotor, a casing, an electric motor, and three lines for material to travel. The gas centrifuge is designed with a casing that completely encloses the centrifuge. The drilling mud decanter centrifuges can separate fine particles well, for separating 5~7μm particles in drilling mud, usually use medium speed decanter centrifuge, for less then 2μm, usually use high speed decanter centrifuges.
KOSUN decanter centrifuge features:
- Innovative design includes longer bowl for increased retention time, resulting in drier solids and finer cut points
- Big bowl Big Volume, high G force available
- Stainless steel bowl, scroll, compartment and cover resist corrosion and provide long service life.
- Tungsten carbide scroll points with wide spacing flights at tapered end create a finer layer of conveyed solids for consistent, uniform separation and maximum solids control efficiency.
- German FAG or Sweden SKF brand bearings
- Electrical Components: SIEMENS/Schneider ATEX or IEC Ex for option.
- Screw pump & centrifugal pump feeding pump option available to meet different application.
As a solids control equipment decanter centrifuge manufacturer, KOSUN supply other solids control equipment for sale, including shale shaker, shale shaker screen, desander, desilter, vacuum degasser,decanter centrifuge , centrifugal pump, submersible slurry pump, shear pump, mud agitator, mud gun, drilling fluid mud cleaner, decanter centrifuge, mud tank, diesel tank, water tank, complete solids control system, etc.(Editor:Kosun Lily.Wang)
Kosun- Solid Control System Company
Tel.: +86 29 87304914/86-13891934239
Email: sales@adkosun.com
Online consulting:
What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Decanter Centrifuges
Decanter Centrifuges
Decanter Centrifuges are machines that are used in separating various densities in a liquid. The separating process is done very efficiently by a decanter centrifuge. There are many advantages and a few disadvantages as well of this equipment.

• The appearance of Decanter centrifuges is clean and is almost odourless.
• The decanter centrifuges device can be installed easily and is start up and shutting process is very fast.
• It needs minimum area for its operation.
• The variety in size of the cylindrical bowl and the cone angle allows choosing various applications.
• With different design curves the system is pre-programmed that calculates the type of sludge. Due to its flexibility the machine has different functions like the operating for dewatering and thickening.
• Compared to other smaller machines, the decanter centrifuge operates on a high throughput capacity that minimizes the requirement of units.
• Its variety and reliability feedback option makes the decanter centrifuge easy to operate and effective.
• The cost on labour has reduced as it does not require continuous attention for maintaining and operating.
• The performance level of decanter centrifuge is much higher if compared to other competitive process.
• For various industrial functions and processes decanter centrifuges are the perfect solution.
• Biological solids with minute density cannot be separated by the decanter centrifuge. This is best done by the tubular bowl centrifuge.
• At times the decanter centrifuge can be very noisy and also causes vibration.
• Due to the high G-forces it consumes a large amount of energy.
• The narrow range with changeable conditions limits the performance of the device.
• Right type of sealing material should be selected that are both chemical and thermal resistant.
• Compared to other varieties of centrifuges, the decanter centrifuge is cheaper.
KOSUN has many products: shale shaker , cutting dryer , shaker screen , drilling waste management equipment ……
Kosun always been persisting in the two principles: one is Quality First and the other is Customer Oriented.
We are looking forward to your coming!
Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge – Operation and Maintenance
Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge
Horizontal decanter centrifuge is driven by two motors. The main motor drives the drum and the housing of the differential through the belt, and the auxiliary motor drives the auger after the differential speed. This will cause the drum and the auger to rotate in the same direction with a certain differential.
Drilling operations refers to the very process of extracting oil and gas from the earth for various commercial and industrial purposes. The industry is worth trillions of dollars today and is thus a very important part of any country’s development. In the past few decades, the demand for the products like gas and oil went up significantly. This led to a corresponding increase in the drilling activities all across the globe.
Like any other industrial activity, drilling too is bound to have some sort of waste produced as byproduct. This is termed as drilling waste and the term gained much popularity with the rising issues it caused to the environment. This in turn led to another class of waste management being introduced, known as drilling waste management . It involves several processes from maintenance, management and containment to subsequent handling and disposal of drilling waste promising better sustainability and conservation of environment.

In the various processes involves with drilling waste management , one important step is called waste maintenance. This was earlier done with conventional processes like settling and involves separation of the unwanted matter from the desired part and further storage and transportation. However, with advancements in technology and machinery, today the whole process id mechanized. The most popular equipment dedicated for the process is named decanter centrifuge .
As the name suggests, the machine uses centrifugal force to aid to the separation of waste matter. The machinery has a complicated design but with a very basic and simple concept. The mixed substance obtained directly from extraction is allowed to flow to a disc shaped structure. The disc is then rotated. This rotation calls the centrifugal and gravitational forces into action which facilitates the separation of drilling waste from the fuel. The fuel passes through the hole at the centre of the disk and the waste remaining in the structure is passed on for containment.
The equipment consists of moving parts and hence should be cleaned and kept smooth as possible to avoid reduction in efficiency. Also make sure to cut off the power to the machinery if it is to be dismantled for some purposes.
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge New Design of Kosun
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge that is a machine based on centrifugal operation to separate different components is called a centrifuge. Which is welcomed by domestic and foreign customers.
A settling centrifuge is a special type of centrifuge that separates solid components from liquids such as drilling waste . Centrifugal force is the force that the object experiences when rotating at high speed. They are commonly used to separate components of different densities, such as water and solids.

Sedimentation centrifuges play an important role in wastewater treatment, chemical and food processing. The performance of the settling centrifuge depends on several different factors.
Sedimentation centrifuge
Most of the drilling and treatment plants deal with the mixture of components. They must be separated for further processing.
The main three types of settling centrifuges are used in industry:
2.vertical and
The settling centrifuge is essentially a bowl that is rotated at high speed to separate solids from the liquid matrix. In the case of a drilling industry, the input is a drilling waste .
Centrifuge is very easy to install and requires less maintenance. Even if skilled operators need to operate them, the decanter centrifuges help save a lot of money and improves the overall efficiency of the industry.
Centrifuge provides more flexibility and better feedback mechanisms. This allows the operator to allow the machine to work under different settings to separate the different parts. The space required to install the machine is very small, easy to start or shut down, allowing multiple units to work at once.
Decanter centrifuge is not without restrictions. The machine will produce a lot of noise and vibration. It can not separate biological components and has high energy consumption. The initial cost of setting up the machine is quite high. The rotating parts are also prone to wear and tear over time.
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge Work Principle
Drilling Decanter Centrifuge
Kosun Decanter centrifuge design is designed for the drilling mud solids control and oilfield drilling waste management .
A machine which operates on the basis of centrifugal force to separate out different components is called a centrifuge. Centrifugal force is the force experienced by a body when it is rotated at high speed. They are normally used to separate out components of different densities such as water and solids. A decanter centrifuge is a special type of centrifuge that separates out solid components from liquids such as drilling waste.
Decanter centrifuge plays an important part in the process of wastewater treatment, chemical industries and food processors. The performance of a decanter centrifuge depends on several different factors.

Most of the drilling and treatment plants deal with a mixture of components. It is imperative to have them separated out for further treatment. Mainly three types of decanter centrifuges are employed in the industries: horizontal, vertical and conveyor. A decanter centrifuge is essentially a bowl that is rotated at high speeds to separate out solids from liquid base. In case of drilling industry the input is drilling waste.
Centrifuges are quite easy to install and require less maintenance. Even though skilled operators are required to operate them, decanter centrifuges helps in saving a lot of money and increases the overall efficiency of an industry. Centrifuges offer more flexibility and better feedback mechanism. This allows the operators to allow the machine to work at different settings to separate out different components. The space required for setting up the machine is very small and easy to start up or shut down, allowing more than one unit to work at a time.
Decanter centrifuges are also not without its limitations. The machines cause a lot of noise and vibration. It cannot separate biological components and has high energy consumption. The initial cost for setting up the machine is quite high. The rotating parts are also liable to wear and tear over time.
Decanter Centrifuge Working Principle of Kosun Solids Control System
Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge of drilling waste is the waste matter generated as a result of the very process of extraction of oil and gas from the earth, popularly known as drilling. This is an extensive and trillion dollar industry with a corresponding and gigantic waste production issue on a global scale. That is why; a new drilling waste management system called drilling waste management was introduced.

It consists of a series of processes from collection, management and containment of waste to subsequent treatment and disposal. Over the years, many techniques and methods were introduced for an efficient management of drilling waste. Also quite recently we saw more advancement and mechanization being brought into the whole process.
As a result of this, now we have instruments like decanter centrifuge to aid to the separation and handling of drilling waste. So let’s understand more about them and their mode of operation.
As the name suggest, the equipment uses decanter centrifuge forces to aid to the separation of desired and waste matters taking advantage of their differences in densities and other properties.
The mixed substance obtained from extraction is made to enter a disc or cone shaped structure that is rotated at a suitable speed. Because of the difference in natures of the unwanted and desired quantities, they are separated by combined effect of centrifugal and gravitational forces.
The fuel which is separated drops through the hole at the centre of the structure and the waste remaining in it is properly contained. For better gathering or collection of these waste matters, the walls of the discs are generally made with interspaces or slot like cavities.
The drilling waste progresses towards the walls of the disc and moves into a containment tank through the interspaces provided. As the machine consists of several moving parts, all components are to be kept smooth and clean to ensure optimum efficiency.
Decanter Centrifuges Suppliers – Kosun Manufacturer
Decanter Centrifuges
Decanter centrifuges can perform well for a longer period if timely operation and maintenance of the device is carried out. The decanter centrifuge is a vital machine utilized in major industries like the oil, food, waste-water treatment and chemical industry. Hence the engineer has to have a good knowledge about the handling and maintenance of the machine.

Decanter centrifuges operation are as follows:
• Prior to starting the machine the safety protective guards should be installed. When the machine is running, don’t open the guards.
• Don’t touch the rotating parts or moving parts when the decanter centrifuge is in operation.
• Stopping the machine during its operation is also forbidden.
• Only in case of any unusual noise or vibration, the decanter centrifuges should be stopped and troubleshoot.
• The rotating speed of the decanter centrifuge is mentioned in the instructions. Running the same more than the given active speed is forbidden.
• The device should be plugged or unplugged only when the power is cut-off.
The maintenance of the decanter centrifuges are as follows:
• For maintaining the decanter centrifuge for a long time the machine should not be stopped or adjusted when the power is on and the bowl is still rotating. It should be done only on stopping of it completely.
• To open the cover of the collecting box, it should be opened suitably so that the cover should not close suddenly which can injure the operator.
• The decanter centrifuges operators are required to read user manual and other related data, should have working knowledge and the requirement of operations of the machine. The operator should adhere strictly to the handling instruction of the machine.
• Maintenance as the schedules can decreases the downtime thereby increases the production capacity.
Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers
Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers – Kosun manufacture with more than 20 years experience with API, IADC, ISO and CE certificated in solid control system.
Decanter Centrifuges are produced and supplided by decanter centrifuge manufacturers .
Decanter Centrifuge Suppliers – as the leading enterprise of solid drilling waste management and drilling waste management industry in China, Kosun is highly appraised by local customers with high quality products and excellent service. Kosun will continue to provide customers with better goods and services.
Decanter Centrifuge – Operation and Maintenance| Kosun Solid Control
Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge is one of solid control equipment that uses centrifugal force to aid to the separation of waste matter.
Drilling operations refers to the very process of extracting oil and gas from the earth for various commercial and industrial purposes. The industry is worth trillions of dollars today and is thus a very important part of any country’s development. In the past few decades, the demand for the products like gas and oil went up significantly. This led to a corresponding increase in the drilling activities all across the globe.
Like any other industrial activity, drilling too is bound to have some sort of waste produced as byproduct. This is termed as drilling waste and the term gained much popularity with the rising issues it caused to the environment. This in turn led to another class of waste management being introduced, known as drilling waste management. It involves several processes from maintenance, management and containment to subsequent handling and disposal of drilling waste promising better sustainability and conservation of environment.

In the various processes involves with drilling waste management , one important step is called waste maintenance. This was earlier done with conventional processes like settling and involves separation of the unwanted matter from the desired part and further storage and transportation. However, with advancements in technology and machinery, today the whole process id mechanized. The most popular equipment dedicated for the process is named decanter centrifuge .
As the name suggests, the machine uses centrifugal force to aid to the separation of waste matter. The machinery has a complicated design but with a very basic and simple concept. The mixed substance obtained directly from extraction is allowed to flow to a disc shaped structure. The disc is then rotated. This rotation calls the centrifugal and gravitational forces into action which facilitates the separation of drilling waste from the fuel. The fuel passes through the hole at the centre of the disk and the waste remaining in the structure is passed on for containment.
The equipment consists of moving parts and hence should be cleaned and kept smooth as possible to avoid reduction in efficiency. Also make sure to cut off the power to the machinery if it is to be dismantled for some purposes.