Operating and maintaining process of decanter centrifuge

decanter centrifuge is a very useful equipment for any drilling site. A decanter centrifuge is basically used to dilute the fluid that is extracted from the gas or oil mine. Generally, the liquid that is extracted from a mine is of highly concentrated and coagulated. So, extracting minerals from them is practically impossible.  In order to thin up the extracted fluids, a decanter centrifuge is used. By using the rotational speed of a decanter centrifuge, the highly concentrated are turned into minerals extractable thin liquid.

Decanter Centrifuge

There are three basic designs of decanter centrifuges. The first one is vertically oriented decanter centrifuge, the second one is horizontally oriented decanter centrifuge and finally the third one is conveyor or scroll decanter centrifuge. In the vertically oriented decanter centrifuges, the fluids or solids are gathered vertically.

Vertical decanter centrifuge is very effective for high temperature and high pressure work. A horizontally oriented decanter centrifuge gathers the fluids or solids generated from high rotation in horizontal orientation. A horizontally oriented decanter is very effective for high pressure works as it provides a strong organization due to its horizontal orientation. Lastly, a conveyor or scroll centrifuge is basically a rotating machine inside a bowl.

The operating and maintaining process of a decanter centrifuge:

The first thing that should be done to maintain a decanter centrifuge is to replace any hydraulic suction filter and replace hydraulic returns filter. It is a very important step for the oil and gas drillers. As when the oil or gas drilling goes on both the hydraulic suction filter and the hydraulic returns filter undergo an extensive pressure.  So, there is a huge possibility of both of them to be worn out. So in that sense, both of the filters must be checked regularly and be replaced when it is necessary.

Another important thing that is required to do in order to maintain a decanter centrifuge is greasing the machine.  It is very important. As decanter centrifuge is basically used in a heavy working areas, the machine can easily be stuck or jammed off. In order to avoid that, greasing is very important. Oil lubricated gear box greasing and recirculating oil greasing are two very effective methods for greasing. A very significant task for managing a decanter centrifuge is adjusting speed sensor to it. It is very important just because adjusting a speed sensor enables drillers to control the differential speed.

Beside these above mentioned activities replacing hydraulic motor sensor, bowl belt replacement, scroll belt replacement and regulating the weir plate are some of the steps that should be taken to maintain a decanter centrifuge.